PGMRC Overview


Open to all IPMI members.


Jonathan Butler, Mitsubishi
Mark Caffarey, Umicore
Craig Ostroff, BASF

Activities, Duties, and Responsibilities


  • Organize meetings ~2 times per year to include relevant topics for the IPMI community.
  • Chairs are responsible for organizing the speakers and agenda for each meeting.
  • IPMI Executive Director organizes location and logistics of meeting.




• Share practices including:
  • Identifying new growth areas of processing and recovery of PGMs including such areas as fuel cells.
  • Identifying information on market trends in PGM supply and demand and price evolution
  • Introduce alternate handling of industrial PGM containing material.
  • Obtaining optimum asset control with use of representation and independent assay labs.
  • Identifying areas in the life cycle of these products where PGM loss may occur.
  • Identifying areas where non-uniform mixtures of Industrial PGM’s are sent to recovery to help define material segregation or bulk sampling techniques. Specifically, for Automotive catalyst how to segregate or treat mixtures of catalyst and diesel particulate traps.
  • Defining areas where PGM’s are used in industry where the PGMs may migrate from a source to surrounding or downstream surfaces and help users identify opportunities for recovery.
  • Share practices and developments in financing PGM’s throughout the refining value chain
• Working collaboratively with SAC to identify key PGM Industrial materials, and obtain samples of those for Round Robin Testing